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Welcome to Global University in Germany

Study at your place and at your pace!

Winning the lost and training the found - everywhere!

Are you looking for orientation in the Christian ways of life? A good foundation for your ministry? Training for laypeople?

Let Global University encourage you to get involved in ministry!


Or are you looking for ministry training designed to prepare you to fill a church leadership role and to help you fulfill the call of God on your life?

Have a look at the Berean School of the Bible!



Or do you want to obtain an accredited Bible college degree or complete a second degree saving both time and resources for ministry?

Then take a look at our Undergraduate Study Programs!



Global University is a fully accredited non profit Christian University, based out of Springfield, Missouri. As a worldwide distance learning pioneer, the university integrates education and service through a wide network of Offices in many countries, including the United States.

GU Germany e.V. is one of about 200 Network Offices in 150 countries, serving students in and around Germany. We will help you find the right study program or course for you and provide you with the necessary study materials. You're welcome to contact us.



Fernstudium Theologie Global University ICI Bibelstudium

Office Hours

Tuesday        15:00 - 18:00

Wednesday  09:00 - 18:00

Friday            09:00 - 18:00

Student's Hotline MON-FRI  20:00 - 20:30

Your Network Office in Germany:

GU Germany e. V.

Fritz-Bockius-Str. 5    

55122 Mainz, Germany

Phone +49 (0)175.99 19 502 

email info(a)

Thank you for getting in touch! We appreciate you contacting us and we will respond as soon as possible.

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