Our Projects

10 FOR 1
GU Germany e.V. has the vision to reach the lost and train the found. Our School for Evangelism and Discipleship offers courses to give orientation to new believers and learn more about Christian Life.
Why do we need "10 for 1"?
In the last years, many students in Germany - refugees from Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria - completed courses of our Christian Life Series in Farsi and Arabic. Due to their financial situation, they were glad to accept help from our "10 for 1" project. 10 Euros enable 1 student to take 1 course of the Christian Life Series for free.

25 FOR 1
Education is the key to a better life. We support i-veed, an organization that primarily supports children at secondary school level, especially orphans, in Northern Nigeria, whose educational development has been hindered as a result of poverty related to ethno-religious crises and terrorism. According to the current exchange rate 25 Euros enable 1 kid to go to school in Northern Nigeria for 1 year!
Donate 25 Euros for 1 kids' school year!
Our Bank Details for donations:
GU Germany e.V.
IBAN: DE76 5519 0000 0953 8880 13
We are a non-profit organisation. Donation receipts will be issued.