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This course is designed to give a clear understanding of Christian worship as it is directed by the Holy Spirit. Basic to an understanding of worship is an understanding of who God is, what He is like, and why He wants us to worship Him. The necessity, values, and results of worship are discussed, and biblical models of worship are presented as guidelines for both individual and corporate worship. The course gives practical instruction in leading group worship by following biblical guidelines. It also encourages personal development and growth in devotional worship.


If you are enrolled in this course for three credits, the third credit will be earned by completing a collateral reading assignment (CRA) based on the textbook "The New Worship: Straight Talk on Music and the Church, Expanded Edition, by Barry Liesch.

Worship of God

SKU: MIN3052-3
35,00 €Price
  • Study Guide

    Forrest Beiser

    Worship of God

    2nd edition, 318 pages

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