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This course presents a study of Koiné Greek grammar and syntax with emphasis on reading and understanding the Greek text of both the New Testament and extrabiblical Koiné literature. This study will help students to appreciate the Koiné Greek of the New Testament and to read Greek as it was written by Greek authors while avoiding the English syntactical approach.

The course requires supervised examinations that include translation of selected New Testament and / or extrabiblical passage(s).


Includes: Course tuition, Course guide, "Basics of Biblical Greek - Grammar" (B. Mounce), "Basics of Biblical Greek - Workbook" (B. Mounce).


Selfstudy material: 110,- €

Undergraduate Greek 1

SKU: BIB4143
290,00 €Price
  • Mike McClaflin

    Christ in the Synoptic Gospels

    1st edition 2011, 229 pages

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