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This course presents an analytical study of the Gospel of John. Special attention is given to the structure of the Gospel and the progressive development of its main themes of belief in Jesus Christ and unbelief, and the resultant conflict between the two. The life, character, and redemptive ministry of Jesus Christ are examined in their historical context and from a divine perspective as portrayed by John the Evangelist.


If you are enrolled in this course for three credits, the third credit will be earned by completing a collateral reading assignment (CRA). This assignment is based on the textbook "Encountering John: The Gospel in Historical, Literary, and Theological Perspective", 2nd ed., by Andreas Köstenberger.

The Gospel of John

SKU: BIB1042-3
35,00 €Price
  • Study Guide

    Peter Kuzmic

    The Gospel of John

    8th edition, 386 pages



    Merrill C. Tenney

    John: The Gospel of Belief (3rd ed.)

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