This course is a basic study of the Bible and the church. Lessons 1–6 emphasize the nature and the process of revelation, including the mechanics involved in recording and preserving God’s Word. Attention is focused on the development of the canon of Scripture. Lessons 7–12 focus on the church as the divine institution through which people begin and develop fellowship with God. You will consider the biblical basis for the church, its Old Testament antecedents, and its beginning, nature, and purpose. You will examine the organization of the church and the kinds of ministry to which it is called, as well as its future.
If you are enrolled in this course for three credits, the third credit will be earned by completing a collateral reading assignment (CRA). This assignment is based on the textbook "Theology in the Context of World Christianity" by Timothy C. Tennent.
The Bible and the Church
Roslim Suwandoko/David D. Duncan
The Bible and the Church
5th edition, 336 pages