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Old Testament Biblical Theology takes each of the main doctrines of the Bible and traces its development book by book in the Old Testament. It deals with what the Old Testament teaches about God, creation, man, sin, the Messiah, revelation, inspiration, angels, Satan, the various testaments and covenants, judgment, and life after death. It thus provides a wealth of material for preaching or teaching from the Old Testament. Its purpose is to bring the student into a more complete knowledge of the fundamental doctrines of God, creation, man, sin, revelation, inspiration, and the testament, or covenant, which is the basis upon which the others are built.

Old Testament Biblical Theology

SKU: THE4013
35,00 €Price
  • Study Guide

    John Phillips

    Old Testament Biblical Theology

    2nd edition, 352 pages


    J. Barton Payne

    The Theology of the Older Testament

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