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How does one relate the Bible to contemporary church life? In the Corinthians Study Guide, the author helps the student do this through an in-depth study of the Corinthian letters. He begins with exegesis, teaching the student how to use this method of Bible study to understand the problems faced by first-century Corinthian believers. Then, for each major problem the apostle Paul dealt with, the author suggests a possible solution or an interpretation that can be applied to the church today. This course is especially helpful to those who wish to preach and teach as it demonstrates a methodology of Bible interpretation. An overview of 2 Corinthians is also included in this study.


SKU: BIB4053
35,00 €Price
  • Study Guide

    Gordon D. Fee


    3rd edition, 386 pages



    The First Epistle to the Corinthians
    by C. K. Barrett

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