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The Christian Faith rests intirely on a person's confession that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Lord over the nations in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. This course will discuss what is has meant for Christians to confess Jesus as the Christ throughout church history, how Western philosophy and culture have impacted this confession, and what is necessary for Christians today to be faithful to that confession in their own contexts and cultures.

Recent trends in theology, philosophy, biblical studies, and modern culture call for a renewed emphasis on the biblical narrative in a person's confession that Jesus is the Son of God. This course will show how the biblical narrative determines meaning for the church's faithful witness to Christ's lordship, its proclamation of the gospel, and its making of other disciples.

Christology: Jesus, Son of God in the Spirit

SKU: THE4032-3
35,00 € Regular Price
28,00 €Sale Price
  • Study Guide

    Dr. Andréa D. Snavely

    Christology: Jesus, Son of God in the Spirit

    1st edition, 408 pages

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